
Dilemma word cloud

Dilemma word cloud

I like this “mind map” of a dilemma. I feel aggravated at WordPress for not having a theme that I like. I feel annoyed at myself for changing themes every other month. And then I feel irritated that the “free” themes want to be “paid” themes–in that when you select them and want to change, for example, the background color–that will be a custom fee, please. Why? Why can’t I have a free theme with colors, and menus, and widgets, and change the colors when I want to and change the way that posts look if I feel like it.
This is why people leave–where everything is oh so simple–and host their own sites using It sounds like a lot of work. It sounds like an awesome, customizable site. Don’t I spend enough of my time on the computer already? Sigh…what to do?

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